Tips in Keeping Your RV Looking Like New

Storage can be costly, but so is a damaged RV. To learn more about how to keep an RV looking like new, Storelocal hosted a members-only virtual call with an expert in the field.

RV Storage

RVs need special care to protect the exterior and interior from environmental damage. Learn more about the benefits of RV Storage Owasso and how to find the best facility for your needs.

Oftentimes, homeowners association contracts contain clauses that limit where and how long RVs can be kept on homeowner’s properties. Typically, these rules also state what types of vehicles are allowed to be stored on property, such as boats, trailers and cars. The CC&Rs can also state how many vehicles each homeowner is permitted to keep at his or her home and what types of storage facilities are available within the community.

7.1 No vehicle, trailer or boat shall be stored in any yard, open area or on any portion of a Lot or the Common Area except in an enclosed garage. No such vehicle, trailer or boat shall be left on a Lot for more than seven (7) days. Owner shall keep the Association informed of the name and address of anyone to whom he or she has delegated the use of any vehicle, trailer or boat, and the relationship between such party and the Owner. Owners may be required to arrange for repairs of any damage caused by such use and to reimburse the Association for costs incurred in making such repairs.

Additionally, CC&Rs can prohibit the storing of any inoperable vehicle on the property so that it is visible from neighboring properties or streets. This can include RVs, tractors, broken down cars and other recreational vehicles.

CC&Rs can also stipulate that membership rights in the association are indivisible and not several, and they may not be sold, conveyed, transferred, encumbered or hypothecated, or disposed of in any other manner, without the concurrent sale, conveyance or transfer of the Unit to which such membership attaches. The CC&Rs can also prohibit owners from parking unauthorized vehicles on their property or letting non-residents of the community use their RVs and other recreational vehicles.

City Code Restrictions

Some cities have specific zoning regulations that dictate where certain types of businesses can operate, including RV storage facilities. These laws address issues such as the distance to residential areas, access to major roads and environmental considerations. They may also stipulate requirements regarding the size of RV storage, landscaping and screening to minimize the impact on the surrounding community. Zoning laws are a crucial factor when selecting the location for an RV storage facility, as noncompliance can result in legal penalties, loss of business and negative impacts on community reputation.

The City Code stipulates that any RV storage facilities must be located on land devoted exclusively to commercial use or in a C-2 district, with a minimum building setback of 50 feet from the street and 40 feet from any property line, or within an area where the vehicle park is screened from public view by a solid masonry wall of at least six feet in height. The City also requires the site to be fenced and provided with a means for emptying sewage holding tanks. No auctions, sales or service activities are permitted on the property except as authorized by a special permit approval process.

On properties that are zoned for residential uses, the owners of the property can store recreational vehicles on the property for personal use, but they cannot rent or otherwise occupy them. However, they can use them for vacations and recreational activities. Campers, travel trailers and motor homes stored on residential property can only be occupied for up to 14 days in any calendar year.

In addition, any vehicle that is parked or stored on the property must not be higher than 18 inches above ground level, and a vehicle that is parked or stored on the residential property for more than 30 consecutive days is considered a nuisance to the neighborhood. In these cases, the city may require the owner to remove the vehicle or take other actions to correct the nuisance. Any unauthorized parking on the streets in the city is prohibited, except for seasonal winter parking.

Outdoor Critters

As summer ends and your RV prepares to hibernate, you need to make some decisions. The most obvious decision is where to store it. If you live on a lot that’s large enough, grading a section of your yard and building a pad for your RV can be a great option. However, many cities and HOAs have restrictions on where you can store your RV on private property. You could also use a storage facility that specializes in RV storage. These facilities often have larger spaces and can provide you with a climate controlled unit to prevent your RV from freezing.

Open storage areas can attract pests and rodents, which can chew through wiring, contaminate interiors, and cause a wide range of damage to your RV. Regular exposure to harsh weather conditions can also accelerate the wear and tear on your RV, leading to more frequent repairs and a shorter lifespan for your vehicle.

When storing your RV at home or a public storage facility, you can take several steps to prevent unwanted critter invasions and other problems. Close all windows and doors tightly. Check seals and replace any that are worn or damaged. Tape or cover appliance vents, furnace vents, and water heater vents to keep rodents from entering. Clean the refrigerator and freezer thoroughly before storing them. Put a bowl of mothballs inside to deter rodents, and stuff steel wool into openings around pipes and wires.

If you’re going to store your RV at a public storage facility, make sure the facility is a well-established, secure operation. Ask the management staff about security measures and other policies to ensure your RV is protected while it’s stored there.

RV storage is an important step in preserving your recreational vehicle and making sure it’s ready for the road again when you’re ready to hit the open road. Choosing an indoor or outdoor storage space that offers protection from the elements, animals, and vandalism is the best way to protect your investment and save money in the long run.


Storage is an important part of RV maintenance, but it can also be a security risk. When left unprotected or in a less-secure location, your RV can be susceptible to wild weather, break-ins and other threats. That’s why a good plan for RV storage is essential for keeping your road-trip dreams alive. A smart RV owner will consider all the pros and cons of home storage, land lot storage and facility storage before making a decision.

With advances in technology, it’s now possible to manage an RV storage facility from afar. From rental processing and administration to keyless locks, managing your RV storage space is much easier than ever.

In addition to a state-of-the-art management system, many RV storage facilities offer premium amenities such as water/air stations, cleaning services, dump stations, app site access and more. RV owners are willing to pay a premium for these features, which makes investing in RV storage a smart option.

The biggest security threat with storing your RV is theft. To prevent this, it’s a good idea to secure your RV with a hefty deadbolt lock and place it in a secure location. In addition, store valuables in a locked safe, if you have one. And don’t leave any expensive electronics out in the open, including GPS units and cameras.

RVs are the perfect vehicle for robbers because of their size and visibility. So, to protect your investment from thieves, put away any valuables, including tablets and cell phones, in the RV when it’s not in use. Also, make sure to lock your door and close your blinds after dark in your RV.

In a time when there’s a shortage of affordable housing, RV storage is gaining popularity as an alternative solution for home ownership. As a result, the RV storage market is expected to grow rapidly over the next few years. This has attracted investors familiar with storage but seeking higher yields than they can get at hotly contested standard storage acquisitions.