How to Recognize When It’s Time For Pest Control

Pezz Pest Control program has three goals: prevention, suppression, and eradication. Preventive steps include:

  • Cleaning up messes made by pests.
  • Sealing cracks and crevices.
  • Reducing clutter.
  • Putting out baits or traps.

Experts recommend hiring a professional for pest control. They have the knowledge and safety equipment to use pesticides properly. They can also use baits and traps that are more effective than sprays and pose less risk of people or pets ingesting them.

It’s no secret that pest infestations can cause various issues for property owners. They can damage homes and other structures, cause health problems for occupants, and lead to costly repair bills. Luckily, several indicators can help determine when it’s time to call in pest control services. Droppings, gnawed items, unpleasant odors, and scratching or scurrying sounds can all point to pests on your property. By recognizing the signs of pests early on, you can take steps to address the problem before it becomes worse.

The most obvious indicator of a pest problem is the presence of droppings and other fecal matter. Pest droppings can vary in size and shape, depending on the type of pest. Rodents leave pellet-shaped droppings, while cockroaches and bed bugs produce a dark-colored liquid that looks like coffee grounds. These droppings are often found in places where pests hide, such as behind appliances or in cabinets.

Other visual indicators of pests include gnawed or chewed materials and holes in walls and floors. These can be caused by rodents or other animals such as birds and squirrels. Rodents in particular have a tendency to chew through wires, which can pose a fire hazard and affect the functioning of household appliances. Another common visual clue of pests is discarded nesting material, such as twigs, leaves, and insulation material. Rodents and other animals create these nests to protect their young from predators and the elements.

Unpleasant odors are also a clear sign that there is a pest infestation. Pests can produce a variety of unpleasant smells, including musty odors associated with mice and cockroaches, as well as a strong rotting odor caused by termites. These odors can be very difficult to get rid of once they are established in a home.

Scratching or scurrying noises can indicate that pests are living in the walls, attic, and crawl spaces of your home. This can be a significant health hazard and needs to be addressed immediately. It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for other areas of the home that are commonly accessed by pests, such as under sinks and in basements.

Pest Droppings

While pest droppings may look repulsive, they are important clues about the presence of uninvited critters in your home. Knowing the difference between lizard, rat, mouse, and cockroach droppings can help you determine whether you have an infestation and take the appropriate action.

Rodents are the most common pests to encounter in homes and apartments. They gnaw on wires and can cause electrical problems, and they also leave behind rodent droppings that are dangerous to your family’s health. Rodents carry diseases like hantavirus, leptospirosis, and Salmonella, which can be spread through human contact or by eating contaminated food.

The primary way to tell if you have a mouse or rat problem is by their droppings. Mouse droppings are small and dark, looking a little like muddy rice. They are usually left in a pile, but you can also find them along walls and inside cabinets. You can also identify them by their tapered ends, which make them more recognizable than other rodent droppings. If you notice mouse droppings in your home, it is best to have a professional take care of the issue right away.

Rats have similar droppings to mice, but theirs are a bit larger and more oblong. You can also distinguish rat droppings by their shiny brown or black color. Cockroaches, on the other hand, have a distinctively flat appearance. Their droppings are a rust-colored or black color and often resemble stains rather than pellets.

It is easy to bring unwanted critters into your home, especially with the constant stream of cardboard produce boxes and grocery store items. Be sure to seal up cracks and crevices in your walls, floors, and foundation, and remove clutter so there are fewer hiding spots for pests. It is also a good idea to practice basic cleaning procedures, such as wiping spills immediately and sanitizing surfaces regularly.

While some pests are dangerous to your health (cockroaches, termites, ants, and mosquitoes), others can actually be beneficial in the garden. Ladybugs eat aphids and other plant-eating pests, while green lacewings help with blights and caterpillars. Bats, on the other hand, control pest populations and are great for gardens.


Odors are often a key indicator that pests have been present, even if the signs of infestation haven’t yet made it into your space. A variety of smells can be a signal that it’s time to hire a pest control and pest maintenance service to come in and help protect your facility.

Odours are a common part of life in industrial and commercial spaces. Chemical and sewage processing plants, paper mills, landfills, recycling facilities and transportation hubs can all produce unpleasant odors. Additionally, every day activities such as garbage disposal, spilled cleaning products and burning candles can contribute to odors.

The type of odor produced is determined by the type of pest. Rodents and cockroaches, for example, can cause musky or foul odors. They’re attracted to food odors as well as odor-producing waste such as carrion, feces and rotting garbage. Mice urine is also known to have a pungent, ammonia-like smell that can linger in small, dark areas such as drawers or cabinets.

Ants and termites can also create malodorous odors. Citronella ants emit a citrus aroma, while carpenter ants spread formic acid that has been described as smelling like stale urine.

As you can imagine, these odors are very appealing to the pests that can infest warehouses and other commercial facilities. While it may seem counterintuitive, pests can actually use scent to camouflage themselves from other pests. A study published in eLife examined how caterpillars and planthoppers were able to mask their own pheromones by mimicking the odor of nearby plants. The result was that the pests were able to sneak up on other herbivores without being noticed.

Odor management is a crucial part of preventing pest infestations and maintaining a pest control program. Odor neutralization services can eliminate or reduce unpleasant odors in your commercial space, preventing pests from finding the food and shelter they need. If you’re noticing odors that may be caused by a pest problem, call us for a free, no obligation quote on our pest control and pest maintenance services. We can visit your business on your schedule to assess your current program, ensuring your warehouse remains pest-free for the safety of your staff and customers.


You wake up in the middle of the night to a noise you can’t identify. It might be the wind, but it could also be a pest wreaking havoc in your house. Pests can be more than just a nuisance: they can cause damage, contaminate food and disrupt normal household activities. They can also be a health risk, causing venomous bites and introducing dangerous pathogens such as Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.

Pests such as rodents and insects wreak havoc on property, leading to damage that requires expensive repairs. They can also cause health risks, including food poisoning, allergies and venomous stings. If you’re seeing signs of pests in your home, you need to act right away.

If you notice the sound of scratching, gnawing or scurrying within your walls, it might be an indication that there is a pest infestation. Mice and rats love to gnaw through electrical wires, wood and other materials, creating a fire hazard and damaging the structure of your home. Other sounds that can indicate a pest problem include squeaking and chirping.

You can use traps and other methods to catch pests before they cause serious problems. Pest control professionals can help you with prevention, suppression and eradication of pests. Prevention is the best strategy, as it prevents pests from even getting a foothold on your property. Suppression reduces the number of pests to an acceptable level, and eradication destroys the pest population altogether.

A professional can also provide advice on the best way to manage a pest problem using non-chemical techniques, including biocontrol. This involves introducing natural enemies of the pest, either in small batches over time or in a single large-scale release. Biocontrol uses the principles of predation, parasitism and herbivory to reduce the number of pests without the need for chemicals.

If you’re noticing signs of pest activity in your home, it’s important to contact a pest control company right away. Ignoring the problem will only allow it to grow, which can cost you a lot of money in the long run. You can find the best pest control service by looking for a company that offers a variety of pest removal services, and is licensed and insured.